3,044 members of the high school class of 2021 who were killed by guns.
firearms are the leading cause of death for children and teens in america.
every year, 15,000 children and teens are shot and killed or wounded and approximately 3 million are exposed to gun violence.
since 2013, there have been at least 635 incidents of gunfire on school grounds.
how many future teachers, nurses,
doctors, filmmakers, family makers, and community
builders did guns steal from us?
this is how many
Graduation day is meant to symbolize potential and achievement. But for this group of students, it’s become a day to wonder what the rest of their lives would have looked like. Although the futures of those in The Lost Class* may have been taken away, they can still make a difference in the future of America by urging the government to require universal background checks on gun sales.
*Methodology for determining size of The Lost Class: CDC data was compiled for firearm deaths, by age, since 2003 and matched to the grade that the class of 2021 was in at the time. Since CDC data wasn't available yet for 2020-21, the numbers used for those years are an annual average (2010-19) for firearm deaths for those age groups.
the petition
Let’s not lose another class of students to the gun violence epidemic. Let’s demand that we make graduating America’s children more important than gaining uninhibited access to guns. Sign the Lost Class’ graduation petition below to demand that lawmakers pass laws requiring universal background checks.
use your voice to demand more students make it to graduation day.
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help make a difference while you get your diploma by supporting
with your graduation cap.
Print out our custom graduation cap design to memorialize the Lost Class and call for universal background checks.
Our mission at Change the Ref is to raise awareness about mass shootings through creativity in order to reduce the influence of the NRA on the Federal level. By bringing the NRA’s corrupt maneuvers to buy lawmakers into focus, we hope to inspire solutions which are essential to healing mass shooting victims’, survivors’ and their families’ lifelong grief. To accomplish this mission, we strive to empower the youth, our future leaders, so they can be the change makers on critical issues that affect our nation, through education, conversation, and activism.
Class of 2021: The Lost Year and Psychologists' Perspective on Its Impact
The year 2021 will forever be imprinted in the annals of history as a time of unprecedented challenges. Among its casualties was the quintessential experience of the graduating Class of 2021. With ceremonies going virtual and prom nights confined to living rooms, it was, indeed, a 'lost year' for many. But beyond the glaring disruptions in routines and missed milestones, lies a deeper, more concerning issue: the escalating emotional and psychological toll on students, heightened by gun violence in educational settings.
The 'Lost Year' Phenomenon
When students queried, "Why is school so hard for me?" prior to 2021, it predominantly revolved around academic pressures. Fast forward to 2021, and the question morphed into a cry for help. "Is high school hard?" became not just a query about academic challenges but a reflection of the layered complexities students faced. From mastering remote learning platforms to grappling with the isolation brought on by lockdowns, "how hard is high school?" took on a whole new meaning.
Psychologists Weigh In: The Underlying Emotional Turmoil
While "school is hard" is a sentiment echoing through generations, psychologists highlighted an alarming rise in students' mental health issues in 2021. The absence of physical interactions, coupled with the constant cloud of uncertainty, exacerbated feelings of anxiety and stress. The previously routine question of "why is high school so hard?" transformed into a profound examination of students' well-being.
But what has this to do with gun violence?
Psychologists are increasingly linking the rise in gun violence in schools and colleges to the deep-seated emotional and psychological distress students face. Academic pressure, often leading students to wonder "how hard is highschool?" or "why is highschool so hard?", is just the tip of the iceberg. Beneath lies a tumult of emotions - fear of the unknown, anger from isolation, and depression from missed milestones.
Hard Education and Students' Depression: The Brewing Storm
"Is high school hard?" This age-old question gained more weight in 2021. The swift transition to online learning, with its unique challenges, made students feel the weight of their academic pursuits even more. The traditional difficulties of high school, like complex subjects and peer pressure, were intensified by the struggles of virtual learning.
Now, combine the grueling academic regime with feelings of isolation, missed social interactions, and the general upheaval of 2021. It's no wonder psychologists are sounding alarms. They have identified a significant correlation between the hard education system, rising student depression, and a surge in aggressive behaviors, including gun violence.
While it's an oversimplification to pin gun violence solely on educational pressures, psychologists emphasize that it’s a piece of the puzzle. When students consistently ask, "why is school hard?" or feel that "school is hard," it's not merely an academic cry but perhaps a deeper plea for understanding and support.
Coping Mechanisms and Strategies
In response to the growing chorus of "why is school so hard?" and the evident rise in emotional distress, psychologists recommend several coping strategies:
Open Dialogue: Encouraging students to speak about their feelings, whether it's about "how hard is highschool" or their emotional state.
Peer Support: Facilitating virtual meet-ups or safe in-person interactions to combat isolation.
Professional Counseling: Offering easily accessible counseling services to students who find it hard to cope.
Resilience and Adaptability: The Silver Lining
The Class of 2021, despite its unique challenges, also showcased remarkable resilience. Forced to adapt quickly, students found innovative ways to learn, interact, and even celebrate milestones. Their journey is a testament to the indomitable human spirit, proving that even when faced with the question, "why is high school so hard?", they can find ways to triumph.
Preparing for the Future
As we move forward, it's imperative to address the psychological effects of such disruptions. While academic pressures will always prompt questions like "is highschool hard?" or "why is school hard?", it's crucial to ensure that the educational environment fosters emotional well-being, reducing factors that might lead to extreme behaviors such as gun violence.
The Class of 2021 faced an array of challenges, each amplifying the age-old sentiment that "school is hard." However, amidst these trials, they also showcased resilience and adaptability. As we reflect on this year, it's vital to prioritize students' mental health, recognizing that questions about the difficulty of school may often mask deeper emotional struggles.
Join us in the fight against the gun violence epidemic and help prevent future tragedies at ChangeTheRef.org
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